2.21.21 - Daniel 3

Feb 21, 2021    Pastor Nate Wright

This is the recorded sermon for Sunday February 21st, 2021. If you would like some music to prepare your heart to receive the word, we have put together a playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfRoxkKHCvd9JwQFoDpZ8qny-KMhr4pLC

This week Pastor Nate continues our new sermon series called "Daniel and the Everlasting Kingdom".

Over the next several months we will study our way through the Book of Daniel. Last week we looked at the significance of Nebuchadnezzar's dream historically and cosmically, this week we delve into chapter 3 where the focus turns to Daniel's three friends and how they will respond when the King tries to control their worship.

If you have any questions or would like suggested resources as you work through this book and supplement the Sunday morning teaching, please reach out to Pastor Nate.