11.24.24 - Extending the Work of Christ

Nov 24, 2024    Pastor Nate Wright

This week we conclude the first chapter of Paul's letter to the Colossian church. In today's text, Paul makes it clear that he has been called and entrusted by God with a mystery now revealed in the new covenant that he is to steward by proclaiming to everyone. We know this must be the gospel, but how is it that in sharing the gospel Paul is "filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions"?

Every family is only as strong as the mission and the idea that unites it. This church is a family made up of many families, and what binds us together is the King we obey, Jesus, and the Kingdom he invites us to build with him. Whether it is a church on Sunday or at home/work throughout the week, we want to be faithful in the sphere in which God has placed us until his glory covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.