07.25.21 - Titus: A House in Order
Jul 25, 2021 • Pastor Nate Wright • Titus 1: 10-16
This week Pastor Nate ventures back into our study in the Book of Titus: A House in Order.
The text this week is Titus 1:10-16 which comes right after Paul lays out the qualifications for elders. Immediately Paul contrasts the qualities of an elder, with the quality of those unfit to lead who are damaging the church rather than building it up.
Paul’s instruction to us as the church is to silence those who would teach false doctrines and lead people astray. How do we silence them? Who silences them? Who is them?
There are a lot of questions to be answered, but clearly Paul thought this was of the utmost importance if what’s at stake is “whole families” (verse 11) within our church family!